The process of giving birth has always been a thrilling moment for every mother. If there are no complications of pregnancy, labor is generally done normally through the vagina. However, not a few pregnant women who avoid the experience of normal childbirth and prefer to give birth by cesarean section.
Basically, the patient has the right to choose the type of delivery that will be done as desired. Medically and ethically, obstetricians may do a cesarean section at the request of the patient, even without indication, as long as the patient has been given an explanation of the benefits and risks of this procedure.
Type of Delivery Must Be in Accordance with the Patient's Condition
Although the patient has the right to be actively involved in choosing the method of delivery, the doctor will still examine the patient's overall condition before determining the type of delivery. The doctor will also consider the magnitude of the benefits and risks that may occur from the type of delivery chosen. If the doctor does not find any specific indications which require the patient to undergo a caesarean section and normal delivery is safe to do, the doctor must recommend a normal delivery. Cesarean section can still be done if the patient asks and the patient's condition allows. There are several things that doctors consider in determining the method of delivery for patients, including:- Patient's health condition
- Patient body mass index
- The patient's next pregnancy plan
- Previous labor experience
- Previous surgery history
- Patient's views and feelings about childbirth
Benefits and Risks of Caesarean section on Patient Requests
In many cases, patients prefer to give birth by cesarean section for fear of pain, the process and complications of normal labor, as well as having trauma due to bad experiences in previous normal labor. As explained earlier, a cesarean section at the request of the patient can be done if the doctor considers the benefits to be greater than the risks. There are several benefits that can be felt from a caesarean section at the request of the patient, including:- The delivery time is more certain
- Avoid births by the month (postmature)
- The risk of needing an emergency (unplanned) operation is lower
- The risk of stillbirth is lower
- The risk of pelvic floor injury is lower
- The risk of postpartum bleeding is lower
- Placental attachment
- Uterus rupture (uterine rupture)
- Complications due to anesthesia
- The recovery period after labor is longer
- Long-term complications due to surgery
- Respiratory disorders in infants
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